Get the Data

Get the Data#

In order to directly load the already build data into a pandas dataframe just call

import powerplantmatching as pm

which will parse and store the actual dataset of powerplants of this repository. Setting from_url=False (default) will load all the necessary data files and combine them. Note that this might take some minutes.

The resulting dataset compared with the capacity statistics provided by the ENTSOE SO&AF:

Capacity statistics comparison

The merged data is also available as a bigger dataset which provides the original data entries


It links the entries of the matched power plants and lists all the related properties given by the different data-sources.


Calling the function with reduced=False will trigger the matching process which requires Java to be installed on your system. Please ensure that you have Java installed and that it is in your system’s PATH.

You can download and install Java from the official website:

If Java is not installed or not in your system’s PATH, you may encounter runtime errors.