Data Processing Modules# Module#
Collection of power plant data bases and statistical data
Importer for the BEYOND COAL database. |
Importer for the database put together by Germany's 'Federal Network Agency' (dt. |
Importer for the Carma database. |
Standardize the aggregated capacity statistics provided by the ENTSO-E. |
Importer for the list of installed generators provided by the ENTSO-E Transparency Project. |
Importer for the meta data given for each ENTSOE entry. |
Importer for external custom databases. :param raw: Whether to return the original dataset :type raw: boolean, default False :param update: Whether to update the data from the url. :type update: bool, default True (unused) :param config: Add custom specific configuration, e.g. powerplantmatching.config.get_config(target_countries='Italy'), defaults to powerplantmatching.config.get_config() :type config: dict, default None. |
Importer for the global bioenergy powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the global coal powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Get the combined dataset of all GEM ( datasets. |
Importer for the GEO database. |
Importer for the global gas powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the global geothermal powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the global gas powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the global nuclear energy powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the Global Power Plant Database. |
Importer for the global solar powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the global wind powerplant tracker from global energy monitor. |
Importer for the IRENASTAT renewable capacity statistics. |
This data is not yet available. |
Importer for the JRC Hydro-power plants database retrieves from energy-modelling-toolkit/hydro-power-database. |
Get the Marktstammdatenregister (MaStR) dataset. |
Importer for the OPSD (Open Power Systems Data) database. |
Importer for the OPSD (Open Power Systems Data) renewables (VRE) database. |
Get country specific data from OPSD for renewables, if available. |
Importer for the UBA Database. |
Importer for the standardized WEPP (Platts, World Elecrtric Power Plants Database). |
Importer for the WIKIPEDIA nuclear power plant database. |
Clean the name of a power plant list. |
Convenience function to filter data source according to the config.yaml file. |
Update powerplant data based on stored corrections in powerplantmatching/data/in/manual_corrections.csv. |
Decorate a function to signify its deprecation |
Parses in a set of columns for distinct fueltype specifications. |
Parses in a set of columns for distinct Set specifications. |
Parse columns to collect representative keys. |
Import the default configuration file and update custom settings. |
Helper function to associate dataframe with a name. | Module#
Functions for vertically cleaning a dataset.
Vertical cleaning of the database. |
Clean the name of a power plant list. |
Clean the 'Technology' by condensing down the value into one claim. |
Locate cliques of units which are determined to belong to the same powerplant. |
Convert a column name to the key that is used to specify the target values in the config. |
Decorate a function to signify its deprecation |
Run duke in different modes (Deduplication or Record Linkage Mode) to either locate duplicates in one database or find the similar entries in two different datasets. |
Search for patterns in multiple columns and return a series of represantativ keys. |
Parses in a set of columns for distinct fueltype specifications. |
Parses in a set of columns for distinct Set specifications. |
Parse columns to collect representative keys. |
Parses in a set of columns for distinct technology specifications. |
Import the default configuration file and update custom settings. |
Helper function to associate dataframe with a name. |
Get the most common value of a series. |
Helper function to associate dataframe with a name. |
powerplantmatching.matching Module#
Functions for linking and combining different datasets
Subsequent to duke() with singlematch=True. |
Clean the 'Technology' by condensing down the value into one claim. |
Duke-based horizontal match of multiple databases. |
Duke-based horizontal match of two databases. |
Combines multiple sets of pairs and returns one consistent dataframe. |
Run duke in different modes (Deduplication or Record Linkage Mode) to either locate duplicates in one database or find the similar entries in two different datasets. |
Import the default configuration file and update custom settings. |
Helper function to associate dataframe with a name. |
Duke-based horizontal match of multiple databases. |
Parallel mapping function. |
Convenience function to import powerplant data source if a string is given. |
Reduce a matched dataframe to a unique set of columns. |
powerplantmatching.collection Module#
Processed datasets of merged and/or adjusted data
Vertical cleaning of the database. |
Return the collection for a given list of datasets in matched or reduced form. |
Duke-based horizontal match of multiple databases. |
Decorate a function to signify its deprecation |
Extends a given reduced dataframe by externally given VREs. |
Returns the matched dataframe with additional entries of non-matched powerplants of a reliable source. |
Import the default configuration file and update custom settings. |
Parallel mapping function. |
Convenience function to convert string of dict to dict type for specified columns. |
Return the full matched dataset including all data sources listed in config.yaml/matching_sources. |
Reduce a matched dataframe to a unique set of columns. |
Helper function to associate dataframe with a name. |
Convenience function to ensure dict-like output |